Rabbits in warrens under bonfire are being burned alive each year

Rabbits living on Avondale College campus continue to establish large warrens underneath a growing heap of firewood each college semester for a planned end of semester bonfire for students. Nothing is being done to prevent the rabbits from turning this wood into a home and when the bonfire is lit each end of semester, rabbits are burned alive and traumatise students, as they run out of their burrows screaming in pain, half- burned, with babies slowly suffocating and dying of heat below the ground.

We intend to bring this issue to the College's attention in the hopes of building a low- cost brick slab that the wood may be placed on over months of collecting, preventing and deterring animals from entering the heap to establish homes. Among this heap of wood, there is also believed to be some species of marsupials and snakes; all native fauna considered illegal to destroy in Australia. This situation breaks my heart and has deeply affected me since finding out about it and how so many people have known about it too but have turned a blind eye to it.

We hope to end this suffering and make the changes necessary to prevent this inhumane elimination (unintentional or not) of rabbits and other fauna on the campus grounds.

All your signature support is appreciated greatly!

Update #58 years ago
Hello everyone,

I have good news to share.
Yesterday we spoke with the president of the College and he has assured us that due to the severity of the situation, something will be done about it. The bricks may not be laid, due to lizards and other small animals still crawling underneath the heap despite the bricks, however, they will change their storage methods, ensuring no animals have a chance to climb beneath the wood anymore.

We asked the president to keep us updated.

God bless!
Update #49 years ago
After signatures, we are going to organise to remove the bonfire wood that has already been sitting for months, accumulating fauna beneath it, by using a forklift to slowly move it. The petition is going to be the force behind this movement, by urging the college to make the necessary changes to prevent the burning of animals. Once the wood is removed, the bricks will be bought and laid down to an appropriate area.

Keep signing!
God bless,

Update #39 years ago
After signatures, we are going to organise to remove the bonfire wood that has already been sitting for months, accumulating fauna beneath it, by using a forklift to slowly move it. The petition is going to be the force behind this movement, by urging the college to make the necessary changes to prevent the burning of animals. Once the wood is removed, the bricks will be bought and laid down to an appropriate area.

Keep signing!
God bless,

Update #29 years ago
Hello everyone,

College has started today and we will now be taking a hardcopy petition around the campus to be signed for this terrible crime against the rabbits beneath the bonfire.
We will keep you all updated on the hopeful success of this petition.

Keep signing and sharing!
God bless,

Update #19 years ago
A HUGE thank you to everyone who has signed for our cause!
We are now in the process of gathering signatures from staff on campus and will commence gathering of signatures from students when the college semester starts.

We promise to keep everyone updated and share in the good news when this is a hopeful success.

Please sign and share with everyone you know!
We need to reach our goal of 1000 to do something about this crime.

- Demi
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