Pets Soup, Extremely Urgent

  • by: Vashi Chandi
  • recipient: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of The Socialist Republic Of Vietnam

Ministry of Home Affairs
8 Ton That Thuyet Street - Cau Giay District - Hanoi, Vietnam

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of The Socialist Republic Of Vietnam
10 Ton That Thuyet-Cau Giay- Ha Noi, Vietnam

Centre for Informatics and Statistics (CIS)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
B5 Block, No.2, Ngoc Ha Street-Ba Dinh District-HaNoi-Vietnam

Respected Ministry Officials,

We humbly call upon you to urgently extend your much needed help with this extremely life challenging situation that is being faced by cats and dogs in Vietnam. Times have transformed where as our awareness has grown, we as human beings have been able to utilize our resources and resourcefulness for the greater good of the World compassionately. The attached petition along with signatures reflect the ardent hopes of several noble souls, who like all of you are genuinely concerned regarding the goodwill and welfare of the pets consistently.

The following is the website hyperlink relating to the petition, featured for your considerately urgent attention, help and swift resolution regarding the liberation and protection of the cats and dogs please.

IF there maybe any remarks that maybe offensive or harsh, please kindly do not take it as being directed towards you, since it is being directed towards those who are engaged with and encouraging the shocking cruelty of utilizing pets for satiating their unethical appetites. Unethical, since having so many choicest of nutritional provisions, why are they putting the gentle lives of cats and dogs at risk please? To even think of this is an enormous shock by itself and when feeling it, we are saddened beyond words.

Please help liberate the pets from this illegal custody, help protect and ensure safeguarding of their well being for these are the very same pets who were, are and continue to be human being's treasured companions and noble friends; and not to be exploited for being served as soups please. We are not trying to educate you or raise your awareness but earnestly seeking to through you reach across to those who are engaging in these illegitimate practices to reflect upon their moral conscience and introspectively ask themselves whether what they are doing is right; since the true nature of humanity is "divine compassion" and not in attacking the extremely valuable life of these precious innocent cats and dogs please.

It is our sincere hope and a wish of a lifetime that the cats and dogs will be provided appropriate care, sanctuaries and safeguarded from any form, sort or type of exploitation at any given instance whatsoever. We deeply appreciate the tremendous help that The Government Of Vietnam has been providing over the years and are confident that with your help, the cats and dogs that are facing the enormous life challenging shocking struggles will be liberated from captivity and relocated to dignified habitations that they truly deserve.

Yet again, please do remember that we are reaching across in utmost good faith and are not at all in any way blaming anyone of your departments at al; rather we are applauding your remarkable efforts and initiatives time and again in remarkably graciously helping and now again, in all good faith, respect and trust, we call upon your good selves to come forward to urgently help and once again we wish The Government of Vietnam and the Respective Ministries all the very most grateful thanks for your kind support, Thank you and God bless.

Vashi Chandi (On behalf of Concerned Supporters)

Ministry of Home Affairs
8 Ton That Thuyet Street - Cau Giay District - Hanoi, Vietnam

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of The Socialist Republic Of Vietnam
10 Ton That Thuyet-Cau Giay- Ha Noi, Vietnam

Centre for Informatics and Statistics (CIS)
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD)
B5 Block, No.2, Ngoc Ha Street-Ba Dinh District-HaNoi-Vietnam

Respected Ministry Officials,

We humbly call upon you to urgently extend your much needed help with this extremely life challenging situation that is being faced by cats and dogs in Vietnam. Times have transformed completely where as our conscious awareness has grown, we as human beings have been able to remarkably utilize our resources and resourcefulness for the greater good of the World compassionately. The attached petition along with signatures reflect the ardent hopes of several noble souls, who like all of you are genuinely concerned in the goodwill and welfare of the pets consistently.

IF there maybe any remarks that maybe offensive or harsh, please kindly do not take it as being directed towards you, since it is being directed towards those who are engaged with and encouraging the shocking cruelty of utilizing pets for satiating their unethical appetites. Unethical, since having so many choicest of nutritional provisions, why are they putting the gentle lives of cats and dogs at risk please? To even think of this is an enormous shock by itself and when feeling it, we are saddened beyond words.

Please help liberate the pets from this illegal custody and help protect and ensure safeguarding of their well being for these are the very same pets who were, are and continue to be human being's treasured companions and friends and not to be exploited for being served as soups please. We are not trying to educate you or raise your awareness but earnestly seeking to through you reach across to those who are engaging in these illegitimate practices to reflect upon their moral conscience and introspectively ask themselves whether what they are doing is right; since the true nature of humanity is "divine compassion" and not in cruelly attacking and brutally snatching away the extremely valuable life of these precious innocent cats and dogs please.

It is our sincere hope and a wish of a lifetime that the cats and dogs will be provided appropriate care, sanctuaries and safeguarded from any form, sort or type of exploitation at any given instance whatsoever. We deeply appreciate the tremendous help that The Government Of Vietnam has been providing over the years and are confident that with your help, the cats and dogs that are facing the enormous life challenging shocking struggles will be liberated from captivity and relocated to dignified habitations that they truly deserve.

Yet again, please do remember that we are reaching across in utmost good faith and are not at all in any way blaming anyone of your departments at al; rather we are applauding your remarkable efforts and initiatives time and again in remarkably graciously helping and now again, in all good faith, respect and trust, we call upon your good selves to come forward to urgently help and once again we wish The Government of Vietnam and the Respective Ministries all the very most grateful thanks for your kind support, Thank you and God bless.

Vashi Chandi (On behalf of Concerned Supporters)

Update #110 years ago
Thank you for your remarkable support. The downloaded signatures along with the petition have been emailed to The Ministry of Home Affairs, The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of The Socialist Republic Of Vietnam and Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) to seek their urgent help with this extremely shocking cruelty.

The transcript of the letter sent is featured within the petition, God bless.

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