Stop Bear Issues Without Shooting & Killing Them in Florida

  • by: Sue Lee
  • recipient: Florida Law Makers & the FWC

Please sign and share this petition worldwide on all media sites as we speak out to Florida Lawmakers regarding the issue of bears and bear attacks. Many believe that hunting and killing the animals is a way to monitor and stop the problem but not the most humane method. We want to encourage the state to not pass a bill that allows hunting the bear.

Recent news shows a concern with black bears co-existing in areas of Florida, leading to frequent bear attacks. Authorities believe that opening a bear hunting season would solve this problem but enviornmentalists are very upset by this possible decision. Most bear attacks are triggered by food - they are looking for something to eat and are not because they want to hurt a human purposely.

Authorities from the Fish & Wildlife Commission state that "As you get more bears, particularly with more people, you start having more and more negative interactions. And so, finding that balance point that we call cultural carrying capacity is important." An open hunting season is not the solution as some may believe for bear problems and encounters but the FWC states that they need to see better feeding rules and more bear-proof trash cans that will deter them from human areas.

The Humane Society officials in the state believe that if wildlife officials want to reduce bear attacks, they need to focus on getting people to stop feeding bears, whether through intentional feeding or letting the animals go through the trash. Another option is to capture and release or move the bear in areas away from human habitation, such as the case with 20-year old Caster. "He started going to everybody's houses and going in garages. So the Fish and Wildlife Service relocated him and moved him about 150 miles away into a big swamp area."

Help us in our efforts to save the bears in Florida through more humane methods other than huntin g and killing them by signing and sharing this petition on all your media sites. We appreciate your help and support in the name of these curious and natural habitatants.

Florida Law Makers & the FWC - Please do not implement and enforce the likelyhood and permission to hunt and kill bears throughout Florida as a way to control them and their presence. You need to devise other, more humane methods to control bear attacks by educating the public against intentional feeding or letting the animals go through the trash. Other options could be to trap, move and release bears cited to other safer areas or if necessary, in zoos or sanctuaries where they will not be a threat to themselves or others. There are other ways to ensure the safety of bears other than to shoot and kill them!

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