Demand an End to the Seal Hunt, NOW!!!!!
- by: Toni H
- recipient: Justin Trudeau
Hundreds of thousands of seal pups are clubbed every year, the majority are thrown back into the water and their lives had been taken for nothing. There will always be someone with a reasoning behind doing something cruel and unjust but the way these poor helpless animals are being killed make me so sick and empty inside. Humanity is disgusting and turning a blind eye and letting it take place is WRONG AND NEEDS TO BE STOPPED. Humans are so selfish and we do not deserve to live on this planet with such loving animals who are not even given a chance. My goal is to have my voice heard, to end such a horrid massacre that keeps me up a night. My connection is i have a heart that is full of compassion and not excuses. Help me fight this. Do your part.
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