- by: Sharron Flanagan
- recipient: Chair of the Committee on Petitions at the European Parliament European Parliament (Chair of the Committee on Petitions at the European Parliament)
An important step in 1998 was Council Directive 98/58/EC on the protection of animals kept for farming purposes which gave general rules for the protection of animals of all species kept for the production of food, wool, skin or fur or for other farming purposes.
"In formulating and implementing the Union's agriculture, fisheries, transport, internal market, research and technological development and space policies, the Union and the Member States shall, since animals are sentient beings, pay full regard to the welfare requirements of animals, while respecting the legislative or administrative provisions and customs of the Member States relating in particular to religious rites, cultural traditions and regional heritage."
So far as religious rite, cultural traditions and regional heritage, where has there EVER been the right or the need to cause any animal the most incredible pain possible. It is the responsibility of the EU to stop this and put into effect the Five Freedoms! The Five Freedoms as follows:
• Freedom from hunger and thirst
• Freedom from discomfort
• Freedom from pain, injury and disease
• Freedom to express normal behavior
• Freedom from fear and distress
These rules are based on the European Convention for the Protection of Animals kept for Farming Purposes. Be it for fur or eating.
Unfortunately, this has not been followed through by the EU through most parts of Asia. Up to 80 million Dogs per year, are clubbed, torched, boiled ALIVE, and suffering an extremely slow and horrific painful death. Then eaten. This has grown to epidemic proportions.
The European Union needs to step in and STOP this barbaric DOG MEAT TRADE. The pain that these poor animals endure is beyond comprehension. Why haven’t.. YOU.. The European Union stepped in? Asian countries are farming these animals for both fur, food and ointments. Why have the “FIVE FREEDOMS” NOT BEEN APPLIED TO STOP THIS HORRIFIC CRUELTY?
MANY investigations and live video footage have uncovered the appalling treatment of Dogs being killed for their meat in Asia, bringing to light the horrific and inhumane treatment of Dogs for the DOG MEAT TRADE.
Unspeakable numbers of over 80 million Dogs (on average 20 million per year in China alone, 5 million in Vietnam, 2 million in South Korea) are killed in the most grotesque sadistic way every year. These poor dogs are made to feel the most pain any animal could possibly bear. No amount of screaming, yelping or writhing in agony stops these people. This cruelty towards dogs (and cats) cannot longer be tolerated and it is our moral duty to urge “YOU” the EUROPEAN UNION TO RESPECT THE GLOBAL ANIMAL PROTECTION LAWS.
Many investigations have shown in graphic detail the Horrific Inhumane treatment of Dogs used for the Dog Meat Trade. Dog meat traders acquire animals by routinely stealing defenceless pets, rounding up strays and purchasing unwanted dogs. Upon acquisition, the dog’s muzzle is immediately bound with nylon string or has a tin can forced over it. On occasion their front legs are forced behind their backs and tied. The dogs are left in this condition, sometimes for days, in the 30 degree plus heat without food or water. During transport, the trussed dogs are crammed into wire or bamboo cages so tightly they are literally unable to move. The lucky ones forced against the bars of the cage manage to get some fresh air in the stifling heat. The dogs in the middle of the load are less fortunate and often suffocate or die of heat stroke. Conditions during transport are so bad that on average 40-50 percent of the dogs die before they reach their destination. On occasion, mortality rates during transport rise as high as 90%. Mortality rates are of no concern to the dog meat traders as the dead animals are processed along with the live ones for the markets and restaurants, and are still profitable.
Dogs are slaughtered in makeshift slaughterhouses, by being clubbed or have their throats cut whilst still conscious. Their fur is singed off with a blowtorch and the bodies are dismembered and distributed to local wet markets. It is entirely possible that improperly slaughtered dogs are blowtorched whilst conscious. Veterinary observers conclude that based on the above modus operandi, levels of suffering and anxiety are extremely and unacceptably high and consistent for animals implicated in the dog meat trade.
On average 10,000 dogs and 350 humans die of rabies in the Philippines each year. Consuming an infected dog is a high risk activity and can cause the transmission of the rabies virus to humans. Because dog meat traders routinely source stray dogs, the threat of rabies transmission from dog meat is very real. Despite extensive international publicity highlighting endemic cruelty, dog meat traders remain indifferent to animal suffering and are resistant to any change that would improve welfare.
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