Texas ( killeen/ bell county) to have emergency animal control
In Killeen Texas, which is in Bell county, the city does not have emergency animal control. Police can only help if a dog can be caught properly and is not skittish even when in medical need. Around 8pm on Sunday September.17th, 2017 a girl friend and I located a stray dog, she was super malnourished and extremsly skittish, running in and out of traffic on a busy road near the airport, Animal control was closed, but a police officer came and said he couldn't do anything since he couldn't catch her, and then he left and went on about his day.
There are so many strays here and lost dogs that need medical attention or even to find a warm bed for the night, that this issue needs to be addressed of lack of proffesional animal control, If they had emergency animal control someone who is trained and has proper tools to catch a dog this would be better for the animals and as well as the drivers in the area. During our search mulitple cars were forced to slam on their brakes or hit the dog, they chose to slam on there breaks which could of caused a accident and injured somebody because animal control would not dispatch a worker to come and get the dog.
Please sign this for the animals who don't have a voice and need the help when they deserve it, as well as to show the county that this is a issue that needs to be addressed, and fixed so that more people can be aware that animals are suffering here in Killeen, many animals are dropped off, and we believe this young female mother dog was dropped off and left to fend for herself in a super busy area of town near a busy airport road.
Please consider signing so we can address this issue, and get more animal control in this area especially on weekends and throughout holidays. Thank you for your time in reading this, hopefully we will be able to solve this issue and get these beautiful animals the love they deserve.
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