Siza Rhino would like to make a plee to our South African government to be more supportive and vigilant in the fight against Rhino poaching. The Rhino is an iconic symbol with in South African wildlife, so much so it holds a place as one of the big 5. Tourists flock from all over the world just to get a glimse of these majestic creatures in the wild.

Unfortunately the Rhino`s numbers are falling at a rapid rate and leaving them close to extinction as they are ruthlessly killed for there horns. The horns are then smuggled to the East where they are used for a variety of products. Poaching statistics below showing the catastrophic rise of Rhino`s being poached each year.

For this reason we would like to formally present the president with a petition to help save our Rhino`s. Before it is to late!

Visit us at and like us on our facebook page The more awareness and support we can generate will go along way in the fight against Rhino poaching!