In yet another attempt to create a high density housing complex next to protected agricultural land, the developers at 7410 Veyaness Rd in Saanichton, BC, are showing they have little concern for the preservation of our vital farming community and are risking the health and safety of the 20 draft horses used by Tally-Ho Carriage Tours, which has been in operation in Victoria, BC, since 1903.
Tally-Ho's horses are in the limelight of the general public on a daily basis as part of their job is interacting with the public downtown. When their day is over, Hidden Acres Farm is the place for them to just be horses.
The horses are not just our pets and part of our family, but a huge asset to the company that cannot be replaced. They support the livelihood of over 25 people. Their health and safety must be the highest priority.
Each horse has a special diet and it is very important that people don’t feed our horses anything they should not be ingesting. With 15 families being crammed into 1.4 acres next door with potential access to these horses, we have serious concerns for their safety.
Please help us stop high density housing next to a busy farm, and protect the Tally-Ho horses' privacy while at home.
Dear Mayor and Council,
I oppose the development proposal at 7410 Veyaness Rd, Saanichton, BC.
While the concept of creating smaller housing projects so they are more affordable for buyers is laudable, the location of this project next to an active, busy horse farm is inappropriate and does not uphold the existing character of the area.
Fifteen families on 1.4 acres will create multiple issues, including:
- Increased water run off due to tree removal;
- Noise, smell and fly complaints;
- Increased liability for the operating farm;
- Increased vehicle and pedestrian traffic on an already busy road; and
- Increased health and safety risk to 20 draft horses and a long standing Victoria business.