The Humane Society reports that animals are bought at auction, or trapped at birth, and raised to be shot by trophy hunters.
This type of hunting called canned hunting, or captive hunting, involves many types of animals from lions, to rhinos, elephants, gorillas, chimapanzees, deer, birds . . . just about any animal you may name.
A hunter will want to kill it easily for his or her trophy, and someone will be willing to raise it, care for it, then have it killed for money here in the US, and in South Africa.
The animals are tranquilized much of the time, and easily shot, since they are trapped on a truck, or chased into a small area where they are an easy target, and killed.
The people who have raised them, as well as the hunters who are about to shoot them, can pet them, as you may view in the video below. This is the worst form of hunting.
You can help stop this horrible killing by signing this petition. Please help.
Thank you,
Source: Payne/dp/1492806064/ref=sr_1_2?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1434458941&sr=1-2&keywords=a+father%27s+pride
Update #59 years ago
Will Travers of Born Free is tweeting today, 10/29, that the Discovery Channel will have a special on Blood Lions tonight, which is about Canned Hunting. Please watch it. Please keep spreading this petition, since we still lack signatures, and need to send this in to save the lions, and all animals being killed by canned hunting. Thank you for your signature! Annette
Update #49 years ago
In light of Cecil the lion's traumatic murder, please keep sharing this petition so that more lions will not meet Cecil's fate. We need more signatures.
It is legal to kill lions outside of the park, and this is what we need to stop. It is a slippery-slope this dentist went down, and took others with him who are now in prison in Tanzania, while he is free to return to his practice. So far, no actions have been taken to penalize him for what he has done. Let's stop this in its tracks.
Update #39 years ago
We have surpassed 2,000, and are now going for 3,000 signers for our petition against canned and captive hunting. Please keep sharing this petition to help save these animals from a cruel death, and from extinction.
Thank you for your help in saving these animals.
Update #29 years ago
The lions,and other animals like the beloved Cecil who was recently killed by a dentist from the US need your help. Cecil was a perfect example of captive hunting, a beloved lion who did not deserve to be killed.
An endangered black rhino, and now Cecil have both been killed, setting an precedent for others to be killed in the same way. Let's ensure this does not happen again by letting the courts know we will not stand for it.
Please keep sharing this petition, thank you.
Update #19 years ago
We have 1,792 signatures on the petition, "Stop the Worst Form of Hunting in the US and South Africa." This petition is moving quickly thanks to people like you who make a difference.
Please keep sharing it. Let's try our best to change the law, and put a stop to canned hunting, and captive hunting.
Thank you,