Veterinary Council - Don't let pets in France die from anaemia

  • by: Rosamund Devonshire
  • recipient: Dr Michel Baussier, the President of the French Veterinary Council

Tooze is a 5yr old cat living in France. He has kidney disease and the anemia that affects 65% of these cats. The treatment that will help him stay alive is an Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agent (ESA) which vets in France have not been able to prescribe since 2008 as they have been removed from the list of human medicines available for animal treatment.

Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESAs) are available worldwide and there is no shortage because they are synthetic. They are routinely prescribed by vets in many countries in the European Union including the United Kingdom, Holland, Finland, and Germany.

We ask the President of the French Veterinary Council, Dr Michel Baussier, to have Erythropoiesis Stimulating Agents (ESAs) added to the list of human medicines available for animal treatment in France as a matter of urgency before more pets die.

Update #110 years ago
After a letter + vet pubs showing the efficacity of ASE & personal experiences from 20 carers with cats on ASE, & a petition summary with 1012 sigs, Dr B wrote to me to say he would indeed do something about this situation.
1st step in a long process, a great success, I want to thank all those who helped me, signed, and sent encouragement.
Petition stays open, as Dr B's request has to be OK'd by 2 health security agencies, it will be re-targeted if needed.
Keep signing
Thanks, R

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