*NEW* Facebook like page. Help spread awareness!
http://www.facebook.com/pages/Stop-Greyhound-Racing-in-Birmingham/132482403470800?Every year in the UK tens of thousands of greyhounds are either raced to death or killed at the hands of the greyhound racing industry. It is estimated that around 10,000 greyhounds are killed before they even make it onto the track as they are "not good enough" to race. When they finally do make it on to the track it is believed that more than 10% are racing with injures such as muscle tears or arthritis. Many dogs retire at a very early age, very few manage to find a good home afterwards. Instead many dogs are either abandoned or killed. The only way we can help stop this is to boycott all greyhound racing. I am standing up to my local greyhound stadiums and I need your help. Please sign this and let Hall Green and Perry Barr know that we won't stand for the cruelty that they are funding for "entertainment" Thank you.
***IMPORTANT***Please keep all comments polite. Do not under any circumstance post hateful, aggressive or threatening speech as this will only hurt the cause and this in turn only hurts the animals. We want to be taken seriously.
We the undersigned ask you to stop all greyhound racing at your tracks immediately. As concerned citizens for dog welfare, we are writing to urge you to stop helping to fund an industry that is inherently cruel and claims the lives of tens of thousands of dogs every year.
There have been many reported cases of greyhound cruelty all over the UK, most of which have been connected to the greyhound racing industry. Whether they be cases of retired dogs being killed because they cannot race any more or dogs being left out to die because it is too "expensive" to treat them and they are no longer deemed profitable enough.
We strongly urge you to cut all ties with the greyhound industry and help prevent these dogs from being injured and killed for the sake of "entertainment". Until then we will be boycotting all forms of greyhound racing at your stadiums and urging others not to go.
Thank you for reading and I hope you come to the right decision.