What does it take to get help for animals in Rutherford and Mc Dowell Counties. In a recent news video Deputies Investigate Claims of Horse Neglect shows that there is no intent to help horses of a horse hoarder that owns two properties in both of these North Carolina Counties. According to the McDowell County Chief Deputy Ricky Buchanan said they've heard the complaints, but so far their investigation hasn't found any evidence to meet the statute for neglect or abuse. He says they are in contact with the humane society and are hoping to coordinate food or assistance for the 85-year-old owner. What more proof do they need. This travisty has been going on for approximatly 10 years and still they let the Higgins get away with neglect and cruelty.
We need citizens, rescues and animal welfare organizations to help seize the animals under the Animal Welfare Act of North Carolina. We need to organize places for the animals to go! Please sign the petition and help the counties animals from suffering neglect from Animal Control as well
The Humane Society of the United States NC was contacted June 14, 2013 via Email and we were told HSUSNC could only help if there was a puppy mill on the property. Photos were sent to Kim Alboum of HSUSNC and nothing was done. Animal Hoarding has caused a huge monitary issue to citizens, Paws Ranch Equine Rescue and Byrd Sanctuary Equine Rescue brought over 150 round bales to feed cows and horses as well as catching loose cattle and horses escaping for the poor fencing at both properties.PRERI and BSER fixed and repaired fences to protect the public from hitting loose animals from both properties. Even Mike Hager US States Represenative for North Carolina was notified of the problem and he lives near the Hudlow property in Rutherford County. NC Hourse Counsil, Unwanted Horse Coalition and NC State Veterinary CVM coordinated a gelding clinic March 3, 2013 for horses at both properties. That Paws Ranch Equine Rescue Sponsored., Helping Hand Hearts and Hooves in 2014 tried to help as well and the same was done, but they were able to get horses off the property from the Leap of Faith Program. and now Hope For Horses on January 16, 2015 bring hay to feed the starving horses in serious condition of starving. A year later on the Hudlow property in Rutherford County there was a fire killing some of the dogs never removed by Rutherford County Animal Control. The owner has numerous dogs in cages at his Green St. Property in Rutherfordton, NC in cages and horrible conditions. As for the horses they still continue to die. Dogs and cats die weekly at both Rutherford and McDowell Shelters with their high kill rates.
Rutherford County Animal Control has numerous issues in its community. The latest is the Department of Agriculture Report dated January 6, 2015., Civil Penaty Rutherford County Animal Control and dog being shot from behind in violation of Susie's Law Barry Hardin the dog owner wrote RC Catalyst Dog Gone Rutherford County . This is a desparate situation. There are Dogs and cats dying at these facilities weekly. Hoarders (horse, dog and cat) getting away with breaking contracts and using valuable resources from hay and feed banks and monitatry donations from the rescues to help these desparate animals without help from Animal Control and the sheriffs departments. Please step up and Sign the petition!
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