Lux, a gorgeous 16 month old Great Dane lives with his human mom and dad as well as 2 young children in Fairfax, MN.
On July 3, 2014 a young neighborhood child was over, laying next to Lux petting him. When she went to stand up, she pushed off of him on his stomach when, at the same time, the child who lives with Lux dropped a toy by Lux's face.
Lux, jumped up startled, bit the child's face and laid back down. Lux's family called the police because they were unable to reach the child's parents, and the police removed Lux from the home. The girl required 7 staples & a few stitches.
The owners contacted a Great Dane Rescue who said they would help and take Lux, and the City Attorney, Aaron Walton, ok'd the release of Lux to them. Now he has changed his mind, and is having Lux euthanized.
The family, their attorney, and the Lexus Project have made attempts to contact Aaron Walton and city officials, but no one will respond. Lux is currently on a 10 day hold that expires Sunday, July 13th.
Please let the city of Fairfax, MN know that Lux does not deserve to die & should be released to the Great Dane Rescue!