Wild buffalo used to roam the countryside before they were hunted to near extinction in the late 19th century. Now, officials in one of their remaining refuges -- Yellowstone National Park -- aim to kill 900 of their bison this winter. This is the largest such cull in seven years, and will reduce Yellowstone's herd by one-fifth.
These buffalo descended from the original herd of under 50 that found refuge in Yellowstone in the early 20th century. Park officials worry that wandering wild bison could spread a disease called brucellosis to cattle, but there hasn't been a single documented case of this happening.
Bison are native to the U.S. and a important part of our heritage. Please sign the petition to urge Yellowstone to find alternatives to killing bison, such as transplanting them to other nature reserves.
We, the undersigned, are concerned with your plan to cull 900 of Yellowstone's bison this winter.
We understand you're concerned that wandering wild bison could spread a disease called brucellosis to cattle, but there hasn't been a single documented case of this happening.
Bison are native to the U.S. and a important part of our heritage. We respectfully urge you to find alternatives to killing bison, such as transplanting them to other nature reserves. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.