Bring Back Steven Jo Facebook Fan Page!

Because I've WORKED HARD for 6 Years to have and grow my Facebook Fan Page and this is the main thing I use to connect with my fans and also to conduct business. It really hurt me and my family financially and it also has hurt my career with losing so much during the time Facebook Deleted my page. It was deleted due copyright violations(Random funny videos that go around Facebook EVERYWHERE) I was sick for almost a year, I was dealing with many health problems, My Prostate, i was also diagnosed with a terrible illness called Wet Brain and I needed somebody or anybody at the moment to run my page cause I didn't want to see it Decline. I was suicidal and going through so much due to be overwhelmed with all of my troubles. Once I conquered my health problems and still fighting them I took back control of my Facebook and I had no violations, and I never get Violations cause i understand Community Guidelines. So Facebook permanently removed my fan page with almost 2 MILLION likes and. I truly dont understand why this could just happen like this when there COUNTLESS amount of people uploading my content on THEIR FACEBOOK FAN PAGE and they get away with it. This isn't right and hope to get this resolved so please help, cause its TRULY unfair. There should be at least a better way to get things situated then just delete my LIFE away from me and Sucks! Please help , this would really mean so much to me and all I wanna do is create ORIGINAL Content. Me and my best friend DROVE from Miami,Florida To Menlo,California to plead our case to Facebook Headquarters and everything. We slept in my car for 2 and a HALF WEEKs just waiting and hoping we would get it back and if maybe they needed us we can just drive to the Facebook Headquarters. We ended up coming back to Miami with NO FACEBOOK, nothing but crushed hopes and so much damage. Please help and understand the severity of this situation cause I feel like people should be treated That way by getting deleted like that because theres SO MUCH crazy stuff that is going on Facebook and people take my WORK all the time and I cannot SPOT every piece of work unless i accidentally run into it. this is truly unfair and please everybody help me get my Page back!

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