Springfield, Missouri, police say a man who was spurned by a woman broke into her apartment and threw her small dog to its death from a third-story window.
William Rabourn, 23, was charged this week with felony burglary and felony stealing an animal. Prosecutors are seeking to add a misdemeanor animal abuse charge.
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article622782.html#storylink=cpy
Additional charges need to be added and enforced by the prosecutor in this case, this poor puppy cannot die in vain, we need to be his voice!!!! In Missouri, animal abuse is a misdemeanor on a first offense, unless the animal is tortured or mutilated. I believe this was totally torture!!!
Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state/missouri/article622782.html#storylink=cpy