Stamp Out Tiger Killing!
- by: Laura Hardy
- recipient: Prime Minister of India - Narenda Modi
Every year hundreds of animals are pushed even closer to the brink of extinction by illegal hunting and exploiting, it is hard to believe that over 17 934 of the worlds plant and animal species are endangered or close to it. Among these species is the majestic Tiger.
The Tiger is the largest cat species in the world, they have existed on earth for more than 1.6 million years, and they once ranged widely across Asia; but in the recent years they have lost 93% of their original habitat and the estimated population of these wonderful animals in the wild is now below 3984. Originally there were nine subspecies of tiger but due to over-hunting in the 1900’s three of them are now extinct and the remaining six are now high on the red list.
The cause? Poaching. Though Tigers are protected by law as of 1972, illegal hunting and exploitation of these powerful creatures continues to drive their numbers down. Chinese demand for Tiger parts, which are believed to help cure disease and infection, is a major factor in their downfall and sells for quite a bit on the black market. Poachers can make a lot of money off their kills and they often get away with it due to thinks like corruption on higher levels and lack of authorities to stop them.
How can we help? By not being part of the problem. Don’t buy tiger parts or anything off of the black market because you are just encouraging problem and helping it along, you are taking their side. Don’t just stand there, help! Don’t you want to be able to let your grandchildren and their children and their children, be able to see and experience these beautiful creatures in the future? Get involved and sign this petition if you want justice. We will not stand by and let these animals become things of the past, only to be seen or heard of in old books and legends. Help stamp out illegal Tiger hunting and poaching altogether.
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