Animal Welfare groups are full to capacity in South Africa .Every day ,hundreds of animals are euthanized due to backyard breeding.The South African government could be the blue print for municipalities throughout the world .By making sterilisation a free procedure, we shall eradicate the need for hundreds of animal welfare groups that receive no government subsidies.
This sterilisation can NOT be optional;it needs to be mandatory.There also needs to be consequences for those not adhering to the law within a 12 month period of its inception.
Professional breeders will need to have a permit and will only be allowed to breed once every 3 years.In addition,breeders will have to pay a R10 000 fee per litter; this fee will go straight to the sterilisation fund.This will ensure that breeders are breeding to continue their line and not as a means to make money.Any breeder caught breeding without a permit or more than once within a three- year period will face a R50 000 fine or a five-year jail sentence.It costs more to keep a dog at the SPCA for 7 days and then euthanize than it does to sterlize !!
We have to get the ANC and DA to take animal welfare seriously and free sterilisation paid by our taxes will go a long way in doing this.
The image above is a before and after of one of my rescued boys "Connor "
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated"-Mahatma Gandhi
Update #55 years ago
Thank you to every one that has signed to date . If government can just be made aware that to keep a dog at the SPCA for a week and then to euthanize is MORE expensive than to sterilize a dog or cat,it will go a long way to eradicating the thousands of cats and dogs that are put to sleep daily .It will also go a long way in making people realize that having a pet is a privilege and they need to be treated us such .PLEASE share animals lives are counting on it x
Update #49 years ago
A BIG thank you to all those that have signed .We are at 2000 signatures and yesterday made SmileFM news .
We need to keep the momentum going in order to reach the 10 000 signitures in order to get it on the table with the Western Cape Government .
PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE and encourage others to sign and share .
We WILL make this a reality with YOUR help !
Update #39 years ago
Thank you for signing.Our petition is moving VERY slowly.Unless the government puts this into law there will never be a light at the end of the tunnel for animal welfare in this country .Please SHARE and encourage others to sign and share .
Update #29 years ago
We are sitting at 1300 signatures ,the petition is moving very slowly .PLEASE SHARE and encourage people to sign.
Unless we can make sterilisation a law ,shelters in this country will carry on being full to capacity for the unforeseeable future .Thousands of perfectly healthy dogs and cats will be PTS ,thousands will suffer due to neglect and backyard breeding.
Update #19 years ago
Hi everyone ,we have 1000 signatures ,9000 to go.PLEASE help us get there by sharing and encouraging people to do the same.This is the only way we can help unwanted dogs and cats in the Western Cape which is reaching epidemic proportions.THANKS