Oppose roundabout construction on Trinity at Central

The planned roundabout at the intersection of Trinity and Central will force drivers to travel in conflicting “circular” paths and pedestrians will be negotiating for their lives and limbs with vehicles intent on making it through the roundabout. An upgraded, signalized intersection would offer better effectiveness and safety for almost all users than the planned roundabout.

Construction is scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2017. Act now!

Please include your street address at the beginning of the comment. Add any other text you wish after that. Thanks.

Further information is available at wcmead.org/nm502/

We, the undersigned, request that the Los Alamos County Council take the following actions:

(1) stop preparations for the roundabout at Trinity and Central immediately;
(2) arrange to replace the planned roundabout with a signalized intersection; and
(3) adopt a moratorium on roundabout planning for any and all Los Alamos County arterial streets such as East Road, Trinity Drive, and Diamond Drive for a period of ten years.

Thank you for your consideration.

Update #38 years ago
The petition with 342 signers was presented at the 4/5 County Council meeting. William Mead made a short presentation of the reasons for our requests. Several supporters and opponents of the petition spoke for two minutes each. The Council's response (6 to 1) was, sadly, to "Thank the petitioners and take no further action."

Thanks to all supporters, and especially to Joel Williams. The LA Daily Post has been very helpful.

Best wishes to all as we cope with the coming changes.
Update #28 years ago
The petition with 342 signers was presented at the 4/5 County Council meeting. William Mead made a short presentation of the reasons for our requests. Several supporters and opponents of the petition spoke for two minutes each. The Council's response (6 to 1) was, sadly, to "Thank the petitioners and take no further action."

Thanks to all supporters, and especially to Joel Williams. The LA Daily Post has been very helpful.

Best wishes to all as we cope with the coming changes.
Update #18 years ago
Thank you for signing the "Oppose the roundabout" petition. We're over 300 signers, total. The most important thing you could do (and probably your last chance to make your opposition count) is to attend the County Council meeting this coming Tuesday, April 5, at 6 PM.

Hope to see you there.

- Bill Mead
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