Switch Following Back to Fanning on Wattpad

All you Wattpad users out there have probably noticed that "fanning" has turned into "following." Wattpad is a writing website, not a social networking website. 

The definition of "fan" in the dictionary is "a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person: I'm a fan of this author." Basically, if you fan someone it means you truly admire and support their writing. 

"Following" on the other hand is a term commonly used by social networking websites to indicate that you get notifications from them. By using this term in place of "fanning", Wattpad is unintentionally insulting us as authors by saying people only follow/ fan us for purposes other than reading our works. 

Please sign this petition if you want "following" to be switched back to "fanning."

Quotes from commentors:

"To be a fan of someone is to enjoy what they do, say, and/or write. It is a promise stating you will stand by their side and support them through thick and thin. A "follower" is just someone who does whatever their role model does to impress and draw others attention. Theres no personal relation. No individuality."

"I would rather have one fan than ten followers."

"Fanning is unique and sounds better than Following, which is what I like. Wattpad is a writing website, not a social networking site."

"Books have fans, not followers."

"We need fans, not followers. Followers just isn't as fun or special or meaningful."

"Following is more impersonal."

"I feel as though switching to "following" instead of "fanning" makes Wattpad feel less special. Fanning people is one of those things that make Wattpaders as readers and authors unique." 

"Following...That's for Twitter; not Wattpad." "It sounds like you're leading people when you have 'Followers'. When you have 'Fans', it sounds like they like something about your writing!"

"Following doesn't show an appreciation for a writers work like fanning does." 

Wattpad (www.wattpad.com) is a writing website in which hundreds of thousands of people post their writing for other people to read. If you like an author, you "fan" them, which means you get a notification when they post a new story.

Recently, "fanning" has been changed to "following." This has angered many writers because Wattpad is a writing website, not a social networking website. 

The definition of "fan" in the dictionary is "a person who has a strong interest in or admiration for a particular sport, art form, or famous person: I'm a fan of this author." Basically, if you fan someone it means you truly admire and support their writing. 

"Following" on the other hand is a term commonly used by social networking websites to indicate that you get notifications from them. By using this term in place of "fanning", Wattpad is unintentionally insulting us as authors by saying people only follow/ fan us for purposes other than reading our works. 

Please sign this petition if you want "following" to be switched back to "fanning." 

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