Save Luxembourg from French Nuclear Power Plants! Ask France to close Cattenom plant ASAP!

«Un incident «significatif» sur le site de Cattenom», L’essentiel June 1 2017.

This is just the last article about one of several accidents reported in the Cattenom Nuclear Power Plant during the last few years.
Fires (last one in February 2017), technical problems, frequently accidents (3 in 10 days December 2016), became a daily issue for Luxembourgish people to live with.

There is something rotten in Cattenom. Greenpeace, in 2014, reported security fails, showing how is easy to get inside the plant with an UAV drone and how Cattenom can be a target for terrorist attacks.

Insane is the idea of France to keep safe this plant: it is too close to the Luxembourg border (10km/6miles) and Luxembourg City (20km/12 miles)!!!

In the event of an accident as the one in Fukushima, Luxembourg City and the whole south of Luxembourg have to be evacuated!
This means that about 200 thousand Luxembourgish people are at risk and with them, the entire country!


We need to push French authorities to make a plan to close this dangerous place ASAP!


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