esplanade street, 5201 East London, Eastern Cape
On 4 October 2014, in every corner of the continent, Africans will rise up – united – to proclaim to the world … Animals Matter to Africa! October 4 is World Animal Day – a day for remembering and paying tribute to all animals and the people who love and respect them. It's celebrated in different ways in every country, with no regard to nationality, religion, faith or political ideology.
The theme ‘Animals Matter’! “Animals Matter to Africa” marches and events will cover all areas of animal use: Wildlife; Companion Animals; Farm Animals; Working Animals; Animal Experimentation; and Animals in Entertainment.
All people on the African continent are called upon to join hands on 4 October 2014, under one banner, with one message to the United Nations, our governments, and the world at large: ANIMALS MATTER TO AFRICA!
The NSPCA has pledged the SPCA movement’s support for the campaign and SPCAs around the country are invited to consider participation in individual towns/cities.