HELP SA.MAST organisation to get the the funding they need for the Kennel building programme~
- by: Inge Beadle
- recipient: Patricia de Lille /Mayor of Cape Town
SA.MAST has been helping with mass sterilisation of animals in Khayelitsha, an impoverished township in Cape Town. They also help with housing and feeding
the poor population's pets (dogs/cats/donkeys- anything that comes along) and
once a year they have a "Kennel building" drive where unemployed people and
volunteers help build hundreds of kennels to house homeless dogs.
This year the there was no tender process in Cape Town (like its done in other provinces in South Africa) so they could not request the funds they normally receive to supply for this programme the required materials and some pay for the helpers.
We ask Ms de Lille - Mayor of Cape Town- to rectify this 'oversight' and either have a proper tender process or otherwise allocate the funds available for these programmes
outright to the SA.MAST organisation!
These volunteers have lived through events like stolen vehicles used to transport the animals to vandalism and theft of their office furniture and computers- and still they
continue supplying the needs of the Khayelitsha's animals - not letting these setbacks
stop them from helping sick, malnourished and injured animals !
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