Rhinos are become today's victims of "killing fields". Poachers and traders syndicates, alike monstrous fundamentalist regimes, slaughter rhinos EVERY DAY, to feed the insatiable demand from Asian countries. The majority are White Rhinos, the species concentrated in South Africa, a country which refuses to totally ban their trade but fueling the macabre market of animal bodies parts. Alike regimes, the syndicates behind the massacre are moved by money (they even finance terrorists), superstition (the horns are considered magic concoctions) and bureaucrats corruption (a loophole in present legislation classify the South African White Rhino population in CITES Appendix 2, list of species subject to trading.)
Meanwhile, South Africa is hosting this year's all-important meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) in September, putting that nation in an unusually strong position to push through such a disastrous proposal.
Let's put pressure on South Africa to halt rhino horns trade asking to UPGRADE South Africa White Rhino to CITES Appendix 1, list of fully protected species, as it is in all the other White Rhino host countries. If we're to end the brutal and destructive trade in rhino horn, we need to build a massive groundswell of international opposition strong enough to take on powerful landowners -- and the South African government -- to derail their dangerous plan before the CITES conference in September.
It is a step in the right direction which everyone of us can help to take through this petition.
The President of United States of America
The European Commission President
The CITES Secretary General
Premised that:
Rhino horns stockpiles destruction does not seem to be an effective anti-poaching strategy, yet trading the horns by governments would, in a way, legitimize the trade of illegally obtained horns. For many economists, destroying a valuable resource is hard to justify and some, in the name of bias economic statistics and unrealistic solutions [e.g. price control], propose that Rhino horn trade should be legalized to save the five extant species. Divergent argument is that governments should have a contra attitude toward legalization of whatever [wildlife trading included] is harmful to society.
Particularly, it would be an offence to the many families that lost their dearest for Rhino protection.
Given that:
This petition is representing a factual step to initiate a major policy to close down the Rhino poaching. CITES to upgrade South African and Swaziland White rhino populations to Appendix I means to avoid any possible trading and close loopholes on jurisdictional grounds. The international community is looking for consistent, dynamic and timely leadership in going after the omnipresent criminal organizations that traffic in wildlife, by such means as:
The mission is to protect key habitats and Rhino populations long enough for generational attitudes to change in some Asian and other consuming countries.
We appeal each of you to be unyielding and inflexible in your opposition to legalize Rhino horns trade and not to fall into the tempting, ill-fated and back firing trap to permit that deception.
Yours faithfully,
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