Ban Animals for Fashion at Burberry
Animals from all over the world are being taken away from their natural habitats and are exposed to the cruelty prone world of the fashion industry. No animal is safe from the fashion industry due to the different ways that "the exotic skin" of animals is used for really expensive and unnecessary clothing. The animals that are most used in the fashion industry are raccoons, foxes, dogs, rabbits, cats, ducks, geese, cows, and sheep. According to the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, one of the biggest fashion stores that work with animal products is Burberry. The purchases of clothing or any product that contains wool, fur, or leather are causing the deaths of millions of animals worldwide. By boycotting stores like Burberry you will help reduce the number of animals being victimized at the hands of the fashion industry.
Wearing animal fur is not a new trend today, but wearing it for the sake of styling is a shameful and horrid act. “Each Year, approximately 50 million animals raised in fur farms around the world, which account for the majority of the world’s fur production, will be killed for their pelt” (Fur Trade Facts). These facts clearly tell us that millions of people are buying clothing that contains fur due to the number of animals that are being killed each day. Fur Farms can be found around the world, but the continent most prone to such cruelty is Europe. Everyone sees the eccentricity and gala of the fashion cities of Europe, but what goes on behind doors is not a happy ending for the innocent animals. According to Ariel Garlow, an undergraduate at McMaster University with a special interest in philosophy of science and animal ethics, states that “European farmers are the largest producers of fur, having approximately six thousand fur farms across the EU." It's disturbing to think that millions of animals are being killed in these fur farms just for their fur.
Likewise, it's bad enough that innocent animals are dying for the wrong reasons in the hands of the fashion industry, but it’s the way they are being killed that makes their deaths an awful and outright massacre. There are plenty of ways that animals in the fur, wool, and leather industry are being violated. China, for example, kills and tortures an estimated 2 million cats and dogs for their skins yearly. Confined to wire cages in which they can barely move, these animals are routinely skinned alive and hacked apart, piece by piece, until they bleed to death (PETA). These heinous acts committed to our furry friends should be stopped now, and those criminals should be punished and fined. Additionally, people who work in the shearing shed do not get paid by the hour, but by the volume of wool they cut off of sheep. “This hasty and careless shearing leads to frequent injuries, and workers use a needle and thread to sew the worst wounds shut without any pain relief. Strips of skin and even teats, tails, and ears are often cut or ripped off during shearing” (PETA). This statement clearly demonstrates to us that these animals are being tortured to death; animals should not endure something that humans would consider wrong if it were done to a human. The skinning and shearing of these poor animals has left many speechless, and with other options to looking fashionable.
Thankfully, there are many alternatives that can solve these unnecessary killings at the hands of the fashion industry. One great contributive factor to save these animals is by not buying any fashion clothing or product that contains leather, wool, or fur. By not buying these types of products you are reducing the demand level thus reducing the supply produced and saving the animals from being killed for these fashion products. Secondly, you can shop at vegan stores and wear vegan clothing to help save animals. For example such vegan products include “cotton, linen, polyester, fleece, acrylic, cotton flannel, synthetic fabrics.” (PETA). Also, according to Jacob Krushel, Director of Business Operations at The Dodo, notes that named fashion brands like Stella McCartney, Patagonia, Forever 21, Moo Shoes, and Olsen Haus are one hundred percent vegan stores. It's noble to see that recognized brands like Forever 21 and Stella McCartney take the leading example and initiative to represent and promote the freedom and equality of animals for clothing.
By boycotting stores like Burberry, you will help make a difference in the lives of billions of innocent and beautiful creatures. The name of a brand that kills harmless animals for the sake of business should not be a priority when it comes to saving animals. When shopping for leather, wool or fur, keep in mind that these products come at the cost of an animal's life. They deserve to be free in the wild and not suffer in the blood soaked hands of the industry of fashion that shows no mercy when killing animals for the mere sake of business. Make your money count by preventing the suffering and torture of animals around the world while still being fashionable. Signing, this petition will help save the lives of animals that are being killed in the shameless fashion industry.
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