Request the Placer County District Attorney to File Charges in the Auburn Puppy Mill Case
- by: Justice For The Havanese
- recipient: Individuals who adopted or fostered one of the Havanese Dogs or their friends or relatives who saw the conditions of these dogs.
We the undersigned, hereby request the Placer County District Attorney’s office to file charges against the breeders of the Havanese dogs raised in an illegal, unsafe puppy mill. Fifty-seven dogs were removed by the Humane Society of the Sierra Foothills in December 2016. The victims are not limited to the dogs.
Some of us had purchased these puppies and were led to believe the puppies we were getting were raised in “loving homes, as advertised on the breeder’s numerous websites: “Havanese puppies for sale that are for sale less than $1200 are generally being raised in puppy mills or by backyard breeders…. Puppies that are born and raised in this environment are not held, loved or socialized.” “Our puppies and dogs receive lots of love and affection in our home and are socialized well with our children.”
Most of the puppies were infected with intestinal parasites and ear mites. The website also warrants that “the parents of the puppy you choose are… in excellent health…and registerable with the American Kennel Club,” but these were misleading and false statements. Eyewitnesses saw puppies living in small wire cages with their moms. The cages were covered in feces and urine with empty or filthy water dishes. Puppies were seen eating their recently fed food around piles of feces. NONE of the cages were in a “loving home” but rather inside a barn that was shut down because of safety hazards.
Several dogs were not able to be registered with the American Kennel Club because the parentage could not be confirmed. We who purchased in good faith were misled and defrauded by these breeders. A number of us paid $1800 for a highly-touted puppy, but we received a “sick, puppy mill” puppy, that the Placer County District Attorney’s office helped transfer to us.
As a part of their rescue, many of us adopted parents of the puppies. These older dogs’ mouths were horribly infected with loose and rotting teeth. Most of the parents lost some if not ALL of their teeth when veterinary care was administered by the Humane Society’s veterinarians. The majority of these dogs were debarked, further symbolizing the cruelty, indifference and in-humane treatment these dogs were subjected to. Additionally, the ears of the parent dogs were also infected, and veterinary records reflect that many of them have no ear drums because they ruptured from the untreated medical infections. These conditions indicate animal neglect, typical of illegal puppy mills. Last, we’re hopeful that the fearful behaviors displayed by these parents, which are a direct result of not being “held, loved or socialized,” will dissipate with our love and kindness.
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