Our family was recently made aware of this objectionable product being sold at select Whole Food Market stores throughout the country. Our three children and ourselves were horrified to discover Whole Foods Market sells rabbit meat.
We encourage you to sign our petition and share with others because as Whole Food Market shoppers and consumers we expect a higher level of compassion from their company and for the company to value the opinions of it's customers.
Rabbits are exempt from the Human Methods of Slaughter Act (1958), which requires that animals killed at federally inspected slaughterhouses must be rendered unconscious before they are killed. Because this rule does not apply to rabbits, they can be killed in any manner, no matter how abusive.
Only a small fraction of U.S. rabbit producers are federally inspected.
Few protections exist for the up to 2 million rabbits that are raised for slaughter each year as USDA certification for rabbits is currently on a voluntary basis.
The Whole Foods Market Pilot Animal Welfare Standards For Rabbits document (available on the Whole Foods Market website) does not address methods of slaughter, humane or otherwise.
Rabbits raised to be sold for meat are not required to have outdoor access according to The Whole Foods Market Pilot Animal Welfare Standards For Rabbits document.
According to Encyclopedia Britannica Advocacy For Animals, the rabbit is an animal upon which so many exploitative and abusive practices converge such as:
- Factory farmed and eaten
- Factory farmed and killed for fur
- Abused in laboratories
- Exploited by mill-breeders for pet stores
- Third most commonly euthanized companion animal.
The Human Society states that rabbits are intelligent, social animals that closely bond with other rabbits as well as their human caregivers, and have personalities which are as distinct and diverse as those of any cat or dog.
Rabbits are symbols of harmlessness and innocence, are universally beloved, are icons in cartoons and children’s books, and are gentle, appealing creatures
These much-abused animals deserve our protection from being exploited including keeping them from being sold as meat from ethical, lifestyle grocery stores like Whole Foods Market
Dear Mr. Mackey, Mr. Robb, and Dr. Elstrott:
This letter is to request Whole Foods Market to immediately stop the selling of rabbit meat in all Whole Food Market stores worldwide.
Our family was recently made aware of this objectionable product being sold at select Whole Food Market stores throughout the country. Our children ages 8, 15, and 16 and ourselves were horrified to discover Whole Foods Market sells rabbit meat.
We want to bring the following facts to your immediate attention:
o Factory farmed and eaten
o Factory farmed and killed for fur
o Abused in laboratories
o Exploited by mill-breeders for pet stores
o Third most commonly euthanized companion animal.
By now you may be wondering who this family of five from Michigan is? We are:
The Cherkasov-Wuechner Family
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