PLEASE HAVE A HEART AND SHOW YOU CARE ABOUT ANIMALS OF ALL SPECIES BEING Abused, neglected, hoarded, exploited, tortured, hurt or harmed in any way, shape or form!
Animals are living breathing creatures put on earth by God. They feel things just like us-pain, hunger, thirst, sadness, fear etc... They should be treated with compassion and care by humans.
We have come a long way as far as laws being made and more severe punishments against the animal abuser. We still have a long way to go. If we just sit back and ignore whats going on all over the world-nothing more will be done to help the animals. We have to fight for them and be the voice of the voiceless.
The shocking number of cruelty cases reported daily in the media is only the tip of the iceberg.
Every year, The HSUS rescues thousands of animals from miserable situations. Although there is no national reporting system for animal abuse, media reports suggest that it is common in rural and urban areas. Most cases are never reported, and most animal suffering goes unrecognized and unabated. Cruelty and neglect can also cross socio-economic boundaries. We need to help all farm animals & entertainment animals, we need to stop fur farming, online videos of animal crushing, torturing, killing, exploited, animals used to entertain so-called "humans". We also need to put an end to puppy mills, circus animals, experiments on animals of any species-etc...
***Most common victims***
*In media-reported animal cruelty cases, dogs—and pit bull-type dogs, in particular—are the most common victims of animal cruelty. Of 1,880 cruelty cases* reported in the media..
**64.5% (1,212) involved dogs
**18% (337) involved cats
**25% (470) involved other animals
Reported abuse against pit bull-type dogs. Pit Bull-type dogs were involved in 13% of reported dog-abuse cases; Some cases involved multiple species.
According to the American Horse Council, Americans own more than 9 million horses, up from more than 6 million in the mid-1990s. Backyard breeding fueled the boom in pet horses. Of the more than 2 million Americans who own horses, more than one-third have a household income of less than $50,000. [1]
Neither the total number of horse neglect cases nor the percentage of total animal abuse cases classified as horse neglect has risen since the closure of all U.S. horse slaughter plants.
As HSUS investigations into slaughterhouses and cattle auctions have revealed, animal abuse abounds in the factory farm industry. Despite increased feed prices, we found no indication in the news media that the number of livestock neglect cases is increasing, other than a few shocking, high-profile cases. This may, however, simply be a reflection of the weak protections afforded to livestock under state animal cruelty laws. Many states specifically exclude livestock or any "common" agricultural practices from their cruelty laws, and even when good laws exist, it can sometimes be difficult to convince law enforcement to make an arrest and/or to seize livestock who are being neglected or abused.
***Legislative Trends***
50 states currently have felony provisions within their animal cruelty laws.
We need to be the voice of the voiceless and help all animals-pets, wildlife, birds, farm animals, entertainment animals, reptiles etc...We need more laws and more severe sentencing for any so-called "human" found guilty and sentenced to the fullest extent of the law. We need to do what we can to make the lives of any and all animals are without neglect, pain, exploited, killed, hurt or harmed in any way shape or form.
We, the people who signed this petition are begging you to create and pass more laws and more severe punishment for a convicted animal abuser-who harms animals in any way, shape or form.
We deeply appreciate all that you have done already. We've come a lon way--but still have a long way to go to make animals lives better. Without any neglect, abuse, pain, exploited, tortured, killed, and any harm.
Since the poor defenseless animals on this earth have no voice, it's up to the compassionate, caring animal loving people to speak for them--to shout for them. Until the voice is heard and something is done by the elected United States Federal Legislative Branch.
Please have a heart and do whatever it takes to help abused animals. Thank you for your time. GOD BLESS!!!!!!
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