A few months ago, I noticed a fawn in the field near my house for several days in a row, always alone. I knew he was an orphan. I took goats milk to him because he looked weak from not eating. I didn't consider what was going to happen next; I just knew that I couldn't let him die of starvation. He ended up following me home, and Sugar quickly became a member of the family.
Sugar is 6 months old now, and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) wants to shoot him in my yard. They say he will be a threat in six months, but he doesn't bother anything. I have done plenty of research and have come across many people with older deer that have been rescued and domesticated without any problems.
I'm just asking for Sugar to be allowed to live. He shouldn't have to be shot just because we saved him from starvation. The ODNR should focus their attention on the cruelty and illegal poaching happening in the area, not on Sugar - a well-cared for and loved deer who is no harm to anybody. Please sign and share this petition to save Sugar's life.
i have started this petition to save Sugar the deer. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) stands for protecting wildlife and nature. With all the garbage, illegal poaching, and animal cruelty happening every single day, the ODNR should not spend their time trying to shoot Sugar while a nine year old is hugging him and crying. All we are asking for is for the ODNR not to kill Sugar. No harm is being done.