Donkeys need to be viewed as more than a source of derisive entertainment and instead be recognized as the sweet natured animals they are.
Ban donkey basketball at Ashe County Middle School.
There need to be changes made in the way donkeys are viewed and dispel an inaccurate reputation. They are ridiculed and considered to be second class equines. To the contrary, they are intelligent animals who are sensitive to their environment and the people around them. Their nature is playful, forgiving, noble and loyal.
Donkey basketball is harmful both physically and mentally. First, if weight is evenly distributed, donkeys can comfortably pack or ride 20% of their body weight. That puts the maximum load for a donkey at 25-130 lbs. According to The Donkey Sanctuary in the UK, the average standard donkey (the size usually used for these events) should carry no more than 110 lbs. Any more weight than that can cause permanent damage to tendons, ligaments and the skeletal structure. The donkeys are usually ridden on a hard, slick surface by people who are too large to be on them. Forcing them to be in an environment where they are jumped on, tugged on, and kicked by people who usually have no experience handling them is abusive treatment of these kind companion animals. Donkey basketball usually does not employ well-trained donkeys who have a relationship with their rider. They are random heavy riders on small donkeys who just jump up there. The lack of skill, combined with the adrenaline of competition and the excitement of the crowd, creates an environment with potential for extreme abuse. In physical and psychological terms, basketball was created by and for human beings. The naturally cautious, gentle temperament of donkeys is in no way suited to the competitive, rapid movements required during the playing of these sports. In addition, too often donkeys are included because it is anticipated that their participation will be seen as a source of derisive humor by the spectators. It is both cruel and inhumane to involve and treat these gentle equines in this way. Donkeys are one of the most abused and neglected domestic animals on our planet. By putting them into sports that demean them and give them value only for laughs at their expense, we are giving heed to the stereotypes that have kept donkeys low in the esteem of humans for so long. It also perpetuates the myth that donkeys are stupid and not worth much unless we can laugh at them or harm them. Donkey basketball events send young people the message that it is OK to abuse and humiliate those who are in a helpless condition. Children who are exposed to animal abuse are taught the dangerous lesson that cruelty is acceptable.
Rather than supporting mistreatment and disrespect you are encouraged to educate your students about the attributes of the American Donkey.
I sincerely ask you at Ashe County Middle School to cancel this event and find an alternative fundraising method. It is not about the almighty dollar. It is about animals matter, donkeys matter, humane activities matter.
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