Stop SeaWorld Abuse! Stop the Slaughter of Dolphins and Whales!
- by: Jamie J
- recipient: SeaWorld and Drive Hunting Expeditions
Animals are meant to roam free and to remain with their families. Dolphins and whales are part of a large social group and use their communication between family members to hunt and survive in the wild . SeaWorld uses a form of capture called drive fishing which explosives boats and nuts are used to capture the large animals and rip them from their families. Often times the remainder of the dolphins or whales the aquarium officials do not want will simply be slaughtered by fisherman for an easy profit. Dolphin hunts are still occurring today in Taiji, Japan, which results in hundreds of these beautiful creatures being slaughtered in the most brutal of ways. The animals are then moved into small tanks that could never amount to the freedom and distance the ocean has to offer. Due to the amount of stress, anxiety, and depression the animals develop, they are seen biting on the bars of their enclosure breaking their teeth. These are just a few examples of the cruel treatment these animals endure while being in the hands of aquarium officials. These incredible creatures were created to share their beauty in the wild and for us to observe them in their natural habitats. Animals do not deserve to have their rights taken away simply to entertain the human race. They do not have a voice, but we do! Sign this petition now to end the abuse and to end the pain!
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