Free Ricky the Bear

  • by: Jessica Eppley
  • recipient: Jim Mack's Ice Cream at 5745 Lincoln Hwy, York, PA 17406

Ricky is a female black bear that has been trapped in a small cage at this ice cream shop for many years. She is walking on a concrete floor. She is exposed to the heat and the cold at all times with a flimsy shelter to protect her. She exists with no mental or physical stimulation other than the annoying patrons who throw food at her and scream at her all day. This is an archaic way to keep a bear. I cannot imagine why this is still going on at this ice cream shop. This bear needs to be retired and they should NOT get another one.

To the Owner(s) of Jim Mack's Ice Cream,

Please consider giving Ricky the black bear to a wildlife santuary or zoo so she can be kept in better conditions. She deserves to live in a stimulating environment that more closely resembles the wild. She does not belong in a small cage with a concrete floor and no toys or proper hide-outs. 

Thank you

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