Stop The NYS Proposed Plan To Trap and Bait Black Bears With Dogs

The State of New York wants to implement a proposal for bear trapping AND the use of bait and dogs to lure bears in. Not only is trapping inhumane and cruel, pitting dogs and bears against each other is cruel and inhumane as well. Dogs, man's best friend, will also be injured in this practice. 

Trapping bears and luring them in with bait is currently illegal in New York State. Let's fight to keep it this way! Won't you sign your name and help me fight this proposed plan before black bears are entirely wiped out in New York State?

Dear New York State Senate,

I urge you to reconsider the proposed plan to trap and lure black bears with bait and dogs. Not only is the trapping of an animal cruel and inhumane, many animals caught in traps often chew their own limbs off, pitting dog against bear is also cruel and inhumane. Imagine the injuries a dog could sustain from a 300lb black bear!!

Humans need to learn to co-exist peacefully with bears. With the rise in the human population by the day, the habitats where bears live are dwindling and more and more human and bear contacts will occur. Instead of killing and instilling fear in people about black bears, we should take the time to educate people about how to live peacefully around black bears and precautions they should take should they come in contact with a black bear.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and considering my petition.

Update #310 years ago
This petition has been sent to Senator Libous and the NYS DEC. Thank you all so much for your support and let's hope this proposed law NEVER goes into effect!!
Update #210 years ago
I received an e-mail from somebody upset about my petition, saying the traps are humane and the purpose is to relocate the bears. Even if so, it doesn't justify using dogs. I have provided a link to the article below. The article is from March 2014 but this plan hasn't passed yet so this is still a hot topic!
Update #110 years ago
Great news! This petition will be presented to the NYS DEC in their September meeting. Thank you all for your support and I will keep you updated on this progress!
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