Reinstate Animal Humane Lieutenant Greg Scolopio

Dear County Commissioner,

It has recently came to light that Animal Humane Lieutenant Greg Scolopio was removed from his position. As a member of the community and an active voter I am dismayed by the actions taken by the county commission. Lieutenant Scolopio does an amazing job for the county. He has been an advocate for animal welfare, which had been greatly lacking in previous County Humane Officers. By demoting him from his position you are doing a great injustice to not only the animals but to the citizens of Harrison County. As a concerned citizen, active voter and animal advocate my future vote is dependent on your decision in this matter. I ask you to please reconsider your decision and immediately reinstate Lieutenant Scolopio to his previous position as Harrison County Humane Officer.


Dear County Commissioner,

It has recently came to light that Animal Humane Lieutenant Greg Scolopio was removed from his position. As a member of the community and an active voter I am dismayed by the actions taken by the county commission. Lieutenant Scolopio does an amazing job for the county. He has been an advocate for animal welfare, which had been greatly lacking in previous County Humane Officers. By demoting him from his position you are doing a great injustice to not only the animals but to the citizens of Harrison County. As a concerned citizen, active voter and animal advocate my future vote is dependent on your decision in this matter. I ask you to please reconsider your decision and immediately reinstate Lieutenant Scolopio to his previous position as Harrison County Humane Officer.


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