Justice for Nameless Abused Dogs

  • by: Casey Gordon
  • recipient: Ouachita Parish District Attorney's Office

This petition is being started to ensure that the maximum sentencing will be sought for the August 15, 2014 arrest of Lawrence Carter of Monroe, LA. He was arrested after my boss and I witnessed Mr. Carter hitting a medium sized black dog in his front yard with a stick and a chain. 8 dogs were removed from his home. This included a small puppy that was being kept in a pet taxi outside that was turned upside, giving the puppy a living space that was about the size of a medium pizza box. The puppy was living in his own waste and was covered in mange. This poor baby had to be euthanized along with 5 other dogs that were removed from the property.

The little black dog that we saw Mr. Carter strike was also euthanized due to a broken back. This little dog was being kept tied under the house with no dry land to lay on. The other dogs that were euthanized were in such bad shape that they were not able to be saved. All the dogs were underweight and did not have access to food or water. Mr. Carter told police that he did not have any food on the premises.

Mr. Carter has a long criminal record that spans over 20 years. His arrest include 2 armed robberies and a forcible rape of a minor. He has never been convicted and has had the same judge in our parish on every case. His charges are always dropped, which is unheard of, after he pleads insanity. We have also witnessed Mr. Carter in the street waving a machete at his neighbors and yelling out threats several times.

Mr. Carter is a very disturbed individual that really needs some mental attention. He pleas insanity every time he is tried for anything. We are asking for Mr. Carter to be sentenced to a facility that is equipped for to handle the criminally insane.

Update #110 years ago
We need about 250 more signatures & the site will promote the petition! The more people speak out on a local level, the more we can get done in our communities! Make sure your friends & family know about the petition! Thank everyone for your support & for taking a stand against animal cruelty!
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