Boycott the CRD Deer Kill Plans

To: Capital Regional District, Vancouver Island, BC:

As you know, BC Premier Christy Clark and her Liberal government have previously issued permits to kill over  325 deer in Cranbrook, Kimberly, Invermere and Penticton. The Capital Regional District (CRD) and Grand Forks is also considering killing deer. The scared, frightened deer would be trapped then a bolt driven through their skulls. Government claims that it is like a slaughter house with domestic animals are not true since these are wild animals who will struggle to escape (Animals in slaughter houses suffer too. See horse slaughter: ).

A vocal pro-hunting minority has tried to turn a few isolated human and wildlife conflicts into mass hysteria to support a BC wide deer cull. The moms were simply defending their fawns from unleashed dog attacks.  And one of the most ludicrous reasons is that these deer are “eating my flowers”.

The BC Government refused to even discuss Lifeforce’s offer to try humane deterrents to prevent deer and human conflicts. Lifeforce email requests to participate on any related CRD committee have been unanswered.

All 25 deer have been trapped and inhumanely killed in Cranbrook. We understand that Kimberley started their “cull” in January and 101 deer have been killed.

Killing deer who are defending themselves and their fawns from roaming dogs and human intruders is cruel. Deer will obviously try to protect their fawns from animal and humans. This is barbaric in view of modern technology that have been developed and a better understanding of deer behaviours. The trapping and killing with a captive bolt pistol is extremely cruel.

Recently the Metchosin Mayor said, ""As someone who has hunted, it's not a pretty sight," he said, musing about public reaction in downtown Victoria to a deer caught in a cage beating itself to a pulp trying to escape.

Then the deer is shot with a boltgun "and doing the funky chicken with blood coming out of its ears," he said. "That's why I am looking at dual solutions.”

Deterrents are available to remove deer from any problem city areas. This includes educational programs to stop feeding deer, eliminating food attractors, keeping dogs on leashes, sterilization and many other preventative measures.
We the undersign support a worldwide boycott of any city in British Columbia, Canada that kill “urban deer”. We ask the CRD, representing several Vancouver Island cities, to implement humane, non-lethal methods to address any concerns. Will  CDR oppose all kill plans?  

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