Every day we see terrible instances of animal cruelty, torture and heartless killings of all animals. Whether it be owned pets, strays or wildlife. We see owners mistreating, abusing and starving their pets. We see people kicking cats and dogs to death just for fun or they're beaten, tied up and thrown into rivers. Pets are stolen from gardens and properties to train to fight or sell for their fur or just plainly to torture and kill for the thrill. We see cruel people setting their dogs on innocent wildlife maiming or killing them because they get away with it. We see this on a daily basis and it's getting worse and will continue to do so without laws in place to protect them.
We must stop this now. We must fight to protect as many animals from this terrifying and barbaric treatment. Please help me fight to get a new law brought in to make animal cruelty of any kind a criminal offence in Britain. Punishable with harsh punishments to act as a warning and deterrent to all attackers. Demand that a national offenders register that animal abusers or killers have to be on for life. Please help to be the difference for these poor animals who need our help to be their voice.
We must stop this barbarity from being accepted as part of our society and fight for their protection and safety. Please help by signing and sharing this petition to everyone through social media, your friends, family and colleagues. We must stop turning a blind eye and start being heard.
Dear Prime Minister,
I have started this petition to help protect our animals, stray, wild or owned. There is so much cruelty, torture and barbaric treatment of all animals. Harsh penalties need to be put in place along side a liftime ban on owning any animals and a lifetime offenders register for those that abuse animals in anyway.
The animal welfare act 2006 does not serve any real purpose at all. They usually receive a slap on wrist and may be banned for a year or 18 months from owning a pet. This is just not enough. It is no spdeterrent and needs to be addressed immediately. Most killers and serial killers are known to start by harming or killing animals, humans are just the next step. Children grow up with seeing animal abuse on social media, in the papers and because it is becoming an everyday sight with no apparent punishment and a government (any government) that doesn't seem to care about protecting animals and seeing justice done are becoming immune and excepting of animal cruelty. Most people are horrified but don't believe anything will ever change and so they don't speak out. We as a society, you as our leader of our country and a world example MUST implement a new updated and effective laws and harsh punishments, lifetime bans from owning or working with animals and a lifetime offenders register. These need to happen to start showing the evil people in society that we will not tolerate any form of animal cruelty. Just because animals can't speak, does not mean that they do not hurt, feel pain and suffering. Their natural instinct is to trust humans, they trust us to protect them, feed them, love them and it's our duty to ensure that this is what happens.
We must be seen to making an axample to the world towards our animals and that any form of abuse will be dealt with effectively to ensure that this deters people commiting further atocities.
Animal abuse is becoming more and more prevelant because there are no effective deterrants in place. This really needs to change.