It really need to be stopped because the African lion are a vulnerable species and their numbers are declining.
Their numbers are declining.
I have source from non-bias sites.
Most lions now live in eastern and southern Africa, and their numbers there are rapidly decreasing, with an estimated 30–50% decline per 20 years in the late half of the 20th century.
They claim lions needs "management".
Yeah right so they go extinct?
Lions are declining.
If you truly care about lions to thrive and wanting your children, children's children to see them in the future please sign this petition.
Lions should be seen alive not lifeless in museums and nor Taxidermy.
Unlikely hunters don't care for the species survival, only for $$$$$ and wasting $$$$$ on making canned hunts ranches in Africa.
They abuse their powers and dictate wildlife and goes too far as killing "Exotics" or rare, vulnerable and or endangered species.
Many species got endangered or vulnerable by sportsmen and never recovered such as the Elephant, Tiger, Cheetahs and others.
Government in Africa has corruption and turmoil and they're easty targets for trophy hunters and sportsmen to spread their "ideology" to put more pressure on these species facing poaching pressure.
Wildlife management is an euphemism for wildlife extermination.
Sportsmen believes in "wise use" which is considered environmental-skeptism / Pseudoscience.
American government needs to block sportsmen from going to Africa and risking extinction to these rare species such as the lion, Elephant etc.
Fish and Wildlife Service shouldn't allow people to go to Africa and killing rare, vulnerable, endangered nor critically endangered species such as the black rhino.