Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get more transparency from the U. S. Department of Agriculture regarding the proper and safe inspections of chickens and turkeys in U. S. slaughterhouses. It appears that the USDA is not open and transparent regarding the poultry industry and its safety.
The U. S. Department of Agriculture claims that they are under new inspection rules to test for food borne illnesses in the poultry industry. The USDA states that “Although we do not discuss the specifics of the rule under review, the draft rule has been significantly informed by the feedback we received from our stakeholders, as well as from our interagency partners such as the Department of Labor.” Previous rules were under continual criticism by various health conscious groups. It is now unclear whether the new version of the rules are in effect.
USDA spokesperson says that “We need more transparency, and public health stakeholders need to receive due consideration."Once the specific rules have been determined and approved by the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, they will be published in the Federal Register. The USDA has indicated that the rule has been “significantly changed” and that as such it should be reopened for public review. The National Chicken Council, an industry trade group, praised the USDA’s decision to send the rule to the White House. On Thursday, the NCC launched a website to defend the new inspection system, which can be found at It is important that steps be taken to ensure the proper methods that the agency inspects chicken and other poultry.
Consumers rely on the health inspections and their signature of good food! Environmentalists worry that increased line speeds will mean production will increase, thus putting more fecal matter and chemicals from the plants into the environment. Food safety groups say they are concerned because the last public version of the proposal called for a 40 percent reduction in the number of USDA inspectors in the plants. Those inspectors would be replaced with plant employees, paid by the industry. No training requirements for those employees were included in the last public version of the proposed rule.
We have to ensure that proper regulations are followed and more transparency from the U. S. Department of Agriculture in the poultry industry. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get more transparency from the U. S. Department of Agriculture regarding the proper and safe inspections of chickens and turkeys in U. S. slaughterhouses. It appears that the USDA is not open and transparent regarding the poultry industry and its safety.
White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and U.S. Health Department - Please ensure that proper rules and regulations are implemented in the health and inspection of the poultry industry. Also encourage the USDA to follow the regulations to the full extent of the law with concise and true transparency for the health of all consumers that rely on their signature which ensure the safest, healthiest foods we eat.