Jumps racing has proven to be deadly for horses and dangerous for jockeys in South Australia.
RSPCA South Australia believes this ‘sport’ is inhumane and will never be made safe. Jumps racing (which is illegal under New South Wales animal cruelty legislation) has a long history of injuries and deaths of horses. Since 2009, 15 horses participating in a jumps event have died at South Australian racetracks.
Given the strong evidence of the significant risk of death and injury to horses competing in jumps races, the community support for a ban, and the minimal impact upon the industry should jumps racing cease, the government should be compelled to prohibit this cruel and unnecessary ‘sport’.
We are calling on Honourable Ian Hunter MLC, the Minister responsible for animal welfare, to prohibit steeplechase and hurdle racing (jumps racing) in South Australia.
To Honourable Ian Hunter MLC, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation.
The petition of the undersigned shows concern for the significant and unnecessary harm done to horses in jumps racing in South Australia. Since 2009, 15 horses participating in a jumps event have died at South Australian racetracks. Despite modifications to hurdles, jumps racing will never be made safe. Your petitioners ask you, as the Minister responsible for animal welfare, to prohibit steeplechase and hurdle racing (jumps racing) in South Australia.