Help Dedicated Animal Shelter Manager Get Her Job Back!
Aggie Smith was manager of the Ivins, UT, Animal Shelter for 10 years. She was fired last week after reprimanding an outspoken volunteer with close ties to city officials who repeatedly overstepped her boundaries regarding pet adoptions and shelter policy and caused friction with other volunteers.
The Ivins Animal Shelter was the first no-kill shelter in the state of Utah with a 99.4 save rate and is a model for shelter excellence throughout Utah. Only critically ill or gravely injured animals were ever euthanized. Aggie was invited to speak at the Best Friends Animal Society's national conference in Salt Lake City this past July about her outstanding work on behalf of animals.
During her tenure, Aggie Smith started a pet food bank at the shelter to help low-income pet owners, and she worked with Best Friends Animal Society to initiate a community cat program to provide free or low-cost spay/neuter services for owned and stray cats. She participated in numerous off-site adoption events throughout the year and held educational programs for school children and church youth groups. She also rescued and safely relocated rattlesnakes, bats, desert turtles, skunks, and other wildlife at the request of homeowners.
Aggie Smith has worked tirelessly for the past 10 years to help animals and pet owners in her community, and she deserves to get her job back!
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