As many of you may know, North Carolina allows kill shelters. I did not know this until recently.
I was driving from Virginia to North Carolina and at around 2am I stumbled upon a stray dog in the middle of the road. I was in the mountains and had no idea where I was, but I couldn't leave this dog in the road, so I stopped my car and opened my door. To my surprise the dog jumped right in and jumped right into my lap and started licking my face. I fell in love instantly, but she looked very well taken care of so I knew I had to find the owner. I posted all over Facebook and to the shelter pages around that area, no luck. She had a collar but no information. I took her to the vet to check for a microchip, nothing. Finally I started to searching for a shelter that would take her. To my horror and surprise, I saw that they were all KILL shelters! They only gave the animals 72 hours before they euthanized them! I was appalled and became very upset. What kind of human being could do this? It wasn't even just one shelter either! It was like every shelter I found killed these poor animals. The police animal control department is even a kill shelter! Finally I found a no-kill shelter and they were able to take her despite me not wanting to give her up. But of course I have to give the owner the chance to give her back.
I am starting this petition so I can get all the kill shelters shut down! There are so many strays in NC because they are better off on the streets then in these shelters. Animals have emotions, they get scared too. Animals/strays should not have to fear for their lives when they are brought to a shelter.
I will be contacting the governor, Pat McCrory, once I get enough signatures. Who will stand up with me for the rights of animals?!