Demand Deerfield NH Fair End Their Cruel Pig Scrambles!

The Deerfield Fair hosts cruel pig scrambles where young pigs are chased, jumped on, pulled by the tail and legs, and shoved roughly into bags. They squeal in terror and run scared for their lives. Other very successful fairs in NH have ended pig scrambles and it is time that the Deerfield Fair follows suit!

Please email the governing board at and ask them not to host these cruel pig scrambles this 2017 fair season!

Update #37 years ago
A successful protest! We had great media coverage and increased public awareness. The petition gained more signatures and will be handed in next week to the Deerfield Fair board. Please keep sharing the petition and sending emails to about how pig scrambles are cruel.
Update #27 years ago
Our protest is less than a week away, yet Deerfield Fair is not heeding our petition and is steadfast about keeping the cruel pig scrambles. It is time to up our game! Please call the fair at (603) 463-7421 and leave a POLITE message to the office assistant that you want to go on record as against the pig scrambles and will not go to Deerfield Fair until they end. Then follow up with another email to . Thank you!
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