A shocking story has emerged from Thurston County, Wash. Acting on a tip from a roommate, investigators raided the home of David Williford and reportedly found a level of animal cruelty they'd never seen before.
According to reports, in Williford's basement authorities discovered blood smeared walls and floors, rabbit carcasses in a cooler, severed rabbit heads floating in a bath, and caged rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and dogs. The animals still living were emaciated and housed with no food, water or bedding.
Williford reportedly obtained these animals from Craigslist, promising their owners he'd rescue and care for them. He is currently charged with six counts of first degree animal cruelty and six counts of second degree animal cruelty.
Please sign this petition asking Thurston County Prosecuting Attorney Jon Tunheim to prosecute this case to the fullest extent of Washington's animal cruelty laws.
Dear Prosecuting Attorney Tunheim:
Those who have signed this petition, like many other members of the public, were distressed and saddened to learn about the recent discovery in Thurston County, Wash., of multiple dead or starving animals allegedly inside the home of a man named David Williford. Reportedly, Williford obtained these animals on Craigslist, but instead of providing them with a healthy and happy new home, he allegedly tortured and killed them.
We applaud the fact that 12 charges of animal cruelty has been levied against Williford. However, the sheer number of animals found either dead or alive seem to warrant many additional charges.
If the evidence supports it, we urge you to prosecute this man to the fullest extent Washington state law allows. This crime is heinous and horrifying to anyone who loves animals.
We thank you for giving this matter the attention it deserves.