Ban the Gadhimai festival animal sacrifice!
- by: Sonia R.
- recipient: Nepali Congress Party, Nepal
The animals need your help to end the brutal Gadhimai festival ritual animal sacrifice, the largest of its kind in the world.
Half a million animals were killed in 2009 as part of the ritual animal sacrifice to the Hindu goddess of power, Gadhimai. The festival takes place every 5 years in Nepal, which means 2014 is another year of horror. The animals desperately need your help! Please sign and share this petition and others like it to spread awareness and get the Nepal government to ban this obscene and terrible practice.
We, the undersigned, appeal to the Nepal Congress Party to halt the 2014 Gadhimai festival animal sacrifice. The international outcry is growing and even among your countrymen, there are many who want it to end. This world’s largest mass slaughter of animals is archaic, brutal and has no place in modern society. We appeal to you to use your power to help bring a change. India has already banned the live export of animals to your country for the festival. It’s your turn to play a part. The world is watching, Nepal.
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