For far too long, Norway has managed to quietly get away with slaughtering whales with impunity, killing more than Iceland and Japan combined in 2014. A 2014 poll showed 80 per cent of people would be unlikely to buy seafood from companies linked to whaling – alarm bells should be ringing for SPAR, knowing that it is helping drive the brutal slaughter of Minke whales by selling whale meat in Norway and that the vast majority of its customer base do not want their purchasing choices stained with the blood of whales.
Norway’s whaling has escalated in recent years, raising its self-allocated quotas from 549 in 2001 to 1,286 today. The 2015 minke whale season opened on April 1 and, as of July 6, 534 whales had been brutally slaughtered, many of which are pregnant females who simply cannot swim away as fast as others so are easy targets. The unborn calves are simply discarded as waste.
Whale species are increasingly recognised as essential components of healthy, productive marine ecosystems and fish stocks. To see nations such as Norway brutally destroying the very species that will help ensure the sustainability of their fishing industry is sheer madness and must end.
PLEASE HELP STOP THE SLAUGHTER : by signing and supporting this Petition you can help stop the pointless brutal slaughter of minke whales in Norway. Thank you