Please sign and share this petition in an effort to ensure that the man from LaVergne, Tennessee get the harshest punishment possible for dragging his dog behind his car. This man claims that the dog was not listening to him so he was punishing the animal by dragging it! We want to ensure he is punished and banned for life from having any other animals!
A 42-year old man, Timothy Sams of LaVergne, TN was arrested by witnesses saw him dragging his dog behind him while he was driving his car. He claims that he was dragging the dog down the streeet as a way to discipline it for not listening to him. The witnessed followed the man to his home while taping the incident on the phone and then alerted authorities.
When officers arrived at the home, Mr. Sams refused to come outside for more than an hour and then proceeded to resist arrest. He however was charged and booked for aggravated animal cruelty and resisting arrest. The dog named C.J. is a young seven month old Husky mix who suffered with skin missing from the paws, bottoms of his paws, back legs, a little under the belly. There was swelling but luckily no broken bones.
Inside the home they also found another dog named Angel, a pitbull mix, that was tied to a cinder block with no food, water or shelter. Authorities also rescued a fish from the home. All the rescued animals will be up for adoption within a week but not be allowed to be returned to the home. The poor dog that was dragged was said to be very sweet, friendly and lovable, despite the ordeal.
We need to ensure this guy is severely punished for the cruelty of all the animals found in the home and ask for a ban be in place so he is never allowed to own or care for another animal, ever. You can help by signing and sharing this petition on all your media sites; speak out for these innocent animals who only want and need to be loved.
LaVergne, Tennessee Police & Judicial Departments - Ensure this man, Timothy Sams receives the harshest punishment allowable by law for all counts of felony animal cruelty for each animal taken from his residence. Additionally, ban him fom ever owning or caring for an animal for the rest of his life. Someone like this does not know how to love and care for an animal and should not be allowed that benefit. Protect all animals from this Mr. Sams!