STOP the sale of replicated Elephant Ivory on

It is way past time for big companies, such as, to put a stop to the promotion of Ivory by selling 'attractive' replicated items.

Type 'Ivory' in the seach engine and you'll see carved 'tusks', earrings, statues etc

By selling animal 'byproducts', it is only showing that its still acceptable for people to buy them.

Elephant numbers are plumeting at an alarming number, all due to human greed and ignorance - over 20,000 Elephants were poached last year in Africa, and this needs to stop NOW.

Here is one example on Amazon that promotes Ivory carving:

Dear Mr. Jeff Bezos,

With the great demand for Ivory, and the rising numbers of Elephants being poached in Africa - 1 every 15minutes - we ask that you please make it policy that no items advertising Ivory (carved 'tusks'/ items promoting Elephant ivory), be allowed on
By allowing people to sell these items on Amazon, only shows that it is acceptable to buy ivory, and that Africa's fight to end poaching is not serious.
We trust that you will help us in making a difference.

Thank you.

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