Every year hundreds of dogs are killed or scarred and mutilated for life as a result of dog fighting. Chances are there's a dog fighting ring in your own neighborhood that you don't even know about. Many cherished family pets are stolen from their own yards and used as "bait dogs" for the fighting dogs to practice on. I'm starting this petition to Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland to demand a mandatory penalty of one year in jail with no chance of early release for the first offense for anyone over the age of 18 who is involved in dog fighting in ANY WAY. This shall include but not be limited to: Promoting and arranging a dog fight. Allowing dog fighting on your property, Attending dog fighting as a spectator, entering your dog in a fight, and stealing or using dogs as "bait dogs"
Society doesn't take animal abuse seriously and those who are found guilty are usually given a fine to pay and then sent on their way. Just paying a fine alone is NOT a sufficient deterrent to prevent dog fighting and other forms of animal abuse. A year in jail has far more serious consequences. The culprits would most likely lose their job, house, car and family. That would certainly make them think twice before getting involved in dog fighting. Even if you aren't an animal lover or a resident of Maryland I urge you to stand up and speak out to defend those who have no voice. Please sign my petition today. Together we can make this happen. I urge residents of the other 49 states to start a similar petition in your home state to end dog fighting in the entire U.S. Thank you!

Dear Governor Hogan,

Dog fighting and other forms of animal abuse are a huge problem here in Maryland. Every year hundreds of dogs are killed or die a slow and painful death as a result of dog fighting. For the survivors, they are scarred and mutilated for life. 

The small handful of culprits who are caught and brought to court for this cruel offense, often  walk away with just a mere fine to pay and then continue their dog fighting in a different location. I would like to see a law passed in Maryland which would require a mandatory sentence of one year in jail without the chance for early release for anyone over the age of 18 who is involed in dog fighting in any way. This shall include but not be limited to: Promoting and arranging a dog fight. Allowing dog fighting on your property, Attending dog fighting as a spectator, entering your dog in a fight, and stealing or using dogs as "bait dogs" 

Until stricter penalties are enforced, this cruel and illegal activity will continue. Thank you for your serious consideration of this matter.

Respectfully yours,

Joseph Bouler

Hurlock Maryland

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