• by: Justine Eckert
  • recipient: government UK, secretary of state , science regulation unit and to anyone else concerned

it is important to stop all animal testing because it is a cruel act.

right now millions of animals are locked up in cages, experiancing trama and they cant do nothing about it.

the enviromental progect agency, food and drug administration and national toxicology program are a few who subject animals to cruelty.

3 licences are required by the ASPA before testing on animals is permitted:

  • a personal licence for each person carrying out procedures on animals
  • a project licence for the programme of work
  • an establishment licence for the place at which the work is carried out

it way to easy to get a licence to do cruel and unhuman things to animals, so help fight against all animal testing.

Update #110 years ago
thank you for your help i have just reached over 700 signatures.
today is tiger day, awareness of how close they are to extinction.

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